Permaculture for Kids

The Art of Living Permaculture

The Art of Living permaculture is a unique concept of permanent agriculture restoring the techniques of farming for a sustainable planet


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Permaculture Benefits


Flora and Fauna

ideal set-up for experiential teaching-learning process.


Water Harvesting

various project initiatives to restore & save water.



100% organic and natural with protected cultivation & open cultivation.

Introduction to Permaculture Farm

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, one of the greatest humanitarians in the world today, decided to convert a part of the Art of Living International Ashram in Bangalore, into a lush green farm, to set an example. What separated this farm from other farms was the challenge that lay in transforming this mountainous land sans top soil, into a living jungle with abundant food supply. Gurudev wanted to show the world that it is possible to grow food on the most infertile terrain, if only we respected the laws of Nature.

Today, the Art of Living International Ashram Permaculture farm houses a conglomerate of plant species and birds and is an abundant source of fruits and vegetables. We hope to transform many such landscapes and educate people about the advantages of permaculture design as a strategy for land remediation and home grown food. Being in sync with Nature, walking the Permaculture path is the only way to care for ourselves and our planet sustainably.

What is Permaculture

In 2018, an eminent lawyer in India lost his father to cancer. His father was a vegetarian, a teetotaller and yet he fell prey to the deadly cancer. Even after a so-called sattvic lifestyle what went wrong? The doctors shared that even the vegetarian food that we eat today is no less dangerous because it is grown using pesticides and chemicals. He stumbled upon a course in permaculture and this changed his life. He bought a 7 acre farmland and now works to make it a model farm. He grows his own chemical free food and inspires all around him to do the same.

In simple words, permaculture is the new way of life and sooner we adopt it we can contribute to nurturing the quality of our soil, water, air and as a result safeguard our health and reverse climate change. The easy part is that one does not need acres of farmland to grow their own food; a small terrace, balcony or even the kitchen window pane is enough to make a start.

Founder, The Art of Living

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a global humanitarian, spiritual leader and ambassador of peace. Gurudev’s vision of personal and social transformation through mental health and wellness has ignited a global movement in over 180 countries, uplifting the lives of more than 500 million people.

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